Righto you want to keep your shades looking good, and we want to keep you looking better, so let's keep this quick and easy! 


If they're dirty just give them a spray with some glass cleaner and use a soft clean microfibre cloth to clean them - easy! 
Keep them in the case when you're not wearing them. Our cases are good. Use them. 
Occasionally check the screws that hold the arms and lenses on. They rarely come loose, and we'll replace the screws if they do. But it's a whole ordeal no one wants. 


Don't stick them in your pocket with your glasses, and don't use them to play badminton. The reflective coating looks a million bucks but it won't hold up to a wayward set of keys, so keep them casual acquaintances at best. 


We've got an unconditional like for like replacement for manufacturer defects. If something is broken in the first six month's that shouldn't, we'll replace them free of charge. We'll even cover the postage. 
If you've sat on them, crashed a motorbike wearing them, or didn't follow the rule about sunglasses and keys we'll still look after you with a huge discount on a replacement set. Just slide into our DMs and we'll sort you out.